The team

The TADUS team: Dr. Thaddäus Baier, Johanna Baier and Matthias Bauer in front of the test vehicle
The founders

Thanks to his family and friends, Thaddäus was introduced to agriculture as a child, developed a passion for agricultural technology, and soon began to wonder why there were no tractors with electric propulsion. After completing his PhD at TU Munich and gaining several years of professional experience as a development engineer, the time had come for Thaddäus to turn his vision into reality.
Johanna, a seasoned PR manager with a business background, quickly shared Thaddäus’ dream of an electric tractor. Even as a teenager, she accompanied her father, one of the first dealers of electric cars in Germany, to trade shows and began advocating for electric mobility. The transition to electromobility is now well underway in the automotive sector. Johanna is excited to apply the benefits of electric propulsion to the field of agriculture.

Thaddäus and Johanna united in their shared goal, establishing their own GmbH in 2021 and commencing development in the spring of 2022. Thaddäus has since been overseeing all technical aspects, while Johanna manages the entire business side. The first functional prototype for the TADUS Tractor made its debut journey in the summer of 2023 and is currently undergoing extensive testing and refinement. For this initial prototype, the newly developed propulsion system was integrated into an existing base vehicle. In the next step, a prototype that closely resembles the production model is being developed. The market launch is planned for 2025.
Photos by Stefan Schauer